If you want to get a loan from the bank, whether it's for business, or for a personal endeavor, you must first submit a plan, detailing every bit of your businesses's initiative and outlining how the money you are borrowing is going to help you to get your business up and running, and how it will lead to profits in the future.
Most importantly, the plan will explain just how you plan to repay that loan with interest.
When you want something given to you, you must provide a detailed analysis and plan of what is to be implemented in the future.
Why then, if we ask God for something, would we not plan for the blessing that we hope to receive from him?
If you have asked him for a financial blessing, why would you not develop a plan to show God just how you plan on using that money, who the money will be beneficial to, and how you will use it to further God's kingdom?
Or if you have asked him for the blessing of a loving partner and companion, why would you not provide him with information on how you plan on being the best wife or husband that you can be?
It's important that we develop a plan and strategy on how we plan on managing the gift's that the Lord gives us, and how we will use them to glorify God's name, who will benefit from that money, and how we plan on repaying God (although we never can) for the undeserved blessings that we receive from him.
If we can effectively plan for the blessings we receive, God will be pleased and more secure in blessing us.
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