I know why so many people are single. Forget about the daunting statistics about how there's a shortage of "eligible" "good" partners to select from to marry; their pointless. The majority of the people that are single nowadays, are in their current state because they chooose to be. Their life's direction, the signals they give off to the universe, the way they live their lives, and the type of DVD's they purchase from Netflix all scream "Single".
It's almost as if being single is prerequisite for having friends, a social life, and the freedom to be able to do what you want, when you want, without having to answer to anyone. But the real reason why people are single is because most of them are pussies! Not pussy in the sense of having one....but Pussies in the sense that they lack the skill, dedication, passion and hard work necessary to make a relationship work. Most of them are "afraid" to get hurt again, and scarred and damage from past relationships (most of which were started because they made mistakes in the people they choose to be in relationships with).
Love and relationships are hard work....meaning, you're going to have to roll up your sleeves and get down in the trenches. You're going to get hurt in the process, you're going to be misunderstood, and you may even have an argument or two, but that's all a part of the process of the joining togther of two lives for love and companionship.
Stop being a pussy! That goes for the men and the women! Stop being scared about what might happen, or what might not happen....or what happened in the past. Stop painting new furniture with an old beat up paint brush, meaning, stop applying the stuff that didnt work from your last relationship to new ones!
Love is hard work. Not for the faint of heart. It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it!
Yes, I can agree with what you said to a degree. And yes, some people choose to be single out of fear of being hurt. However, when you become more sophisticated and mature, it becomes less about the hurt and more about a person wasting their time. For example, I won't even state my stability resume, that is in tact, I'm only going to focus on me as a partner in a relationship. I am a good man, and very willing to commit without fear. I've never been a player and always fair in a disagreement. You would ask why am I single, well, we respectfully grew apart yet remain friends. One bad relationship on record. But I'm willing to give a chance. However, in my experience, I am the man who gets turned down or looked past, beyond, or around while actually witnessing the 'abusers' win these same women or have them under some kind of mind control. And you can say 'it may be where I'm looking' but it seems like the norm on any scale. Then you have the women who are single but treat you like a freak when you are honest with your intent, not strong, just honest and you get exploited. Then when you see women with a whole bunch of potential, let's say, on the internet (social sites), they treat you like a dog jumping up for a bone while they snatch it away like 'psych' then make a general statement about not wanting to be stepped to with every booty shot known to man is in their folders. Playing with men's heads keeping them on a wire with no intent of giving them any rhythm. Speaking from a real man's perspective, and not saying that every woman may be playing this game. But it's so widespread that a person who is succeeding, has their life in tact, fears not being hurt, but wasting their real precious resource... Time. That shouldn't be compromised. Welcometomycouch
Love isn't hard work. People tend to make love hard to give with a laundry list of stipulations. And even when you reach or are even beyond those expectations you find out it was a farce. I want to love... Period.
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