Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How the Assembly Line Destroyed Love

Repetition is damaging to our bodies....
The constant stress associated with doing the same thing over and over again, is daunting and depressing, to say the least.
The invention of the assembly line meant fast products for eager consumers, and the invention meant that we could mass produce poorer quality's of what the model product was intended to be.....
we were replicating things and making things easier, losing out on quality, and customization, face time, and the love that goes into craftsmanship.....

Our love can get VERY repetetive. It can seem like the same old assemblyline, cookie-cutter mass produced product that has been created to temporarly satisfy an urge.

What has happened to the craftsmanship of love. What has happened to the process of imagining a love so deep, developing the parts, selecting only the best materials, using intricate and detailed molds, and hand-crafting something strong enough to withstand a lifetime?
This is the love I have imagined.

Shake it up, do something different!!! Doing the same thing over and over again is lame, to say the least.
The assembly-line is perfect for the Industrial Revolution, but bad for the business of having a fulflling relationship. Stop applying an old mold to a new model, and put some tender loving care into caefully crafting a work of art in love.

In our modern age of Facebook dating, marriages, and the immediacy of having all sorts of information at our disposals at all times, and images of people we desire to possess at our disposal at all times, the idea of taking our 'time' to complete something, seems daunting.
But, it is crucial, if we long for something more than what the assembly-line has to offer.


welcometomycouch said...

What I have learned is that most things today seem to be cookie cutouts. if you aren't following some type of trendy mindset you are not legit. It is almost questionable! And when it comes to love/ relationships in it's infancy there seems to be quite a laundry list of 'have(s)' before you can even qualify. men and women wouldn't even look twice if there's certain things about your presentation that doesn't meet the status quo. This makes things quite difficult for the extraordinary or original because he has to fit in some way in order to show you something new. I on the other hand choose to be as oddly different as I am because I find it quite difficult waking up to be an image. I like differently, and I definitely love differently. I love myself first, and in that love I can imagine what my life would be with my potential and go for it and invent exciting new ways to enhance the expression of it. and when I extend that love to someone else, I want them to share in the dream of my love and vise versa, because my own dreams I can handle on my own. But my dream of you is love unlimited whether in a fragment or in opulence. Everyone always complains about a shady past that makes them look at love differently, with rules. I choose not to pollute the name of love, instead I take the learning experience and learn how to be better at it. And that's a rule of life. Learning from bad decisions and mistakes, not throwing in the towel. Love is in my mind with the same imagination that it had when talking to my first love over the phone until my grandma made me get off and you, being in my mind until I see or speak to you again. You don't have to turn that infatuation off because you're a certain age, in fact, it should be enhanced when you're loving yourself the right way. Because if a DREAMWIFE is what you want, then you can only dream of what being with her and loving her everyday could be. (welcometomycouch)

welcometomycouch said...

There's a way to defeat the assembly line though. Creating a new product! Keep the integrity of your product a high standard that doesn't get old. Repitition kills itself off.